Sunday 20 August 2017

Day 401

401 days since my world fell apart. Thats a really big number, a long time. Life has changed so much for me.

I still can't believe it happened and I am where I am now. Single, alone, sole home owner, happy.

I really like my new home. It's way better than the last one. It's huge. And so far I've not had any problems with parking. I don't know anyone. I don't care. I feel empowered that I am here doing it alone.

Tomorrow I go back to work after a weeks holiday. I don't want to. It's a really long drive, over 25 miles. I feel bad for the poor dogs although they do seem more settled and are brave enough take themselves off to the garden and kitchen now without sticking to my side.

I popped out for an hour today. Alfie was barking when I got back. I hope he doesnt bark all day tomorrow or he'll make himself ill.

I'm so tired, the past week has really taken it out of me.  I have a few more days off work soon and hopefully I can take another week off soon. For home improvements? No, to sleep and watch TV.

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