Sunday 13 August 2017

Day 394

The penultimate night in my house. The last night my dogs will spend here as they're off to the sitters tomorrow.

How do I feel? Knackered. I've worked so hard again today. My hands are cut and scratched and splintered. I've dismantled, unscrewed, smashed and carried all sorts of nasty scratchy splintery things and taken them to the tip. I did feel angry today. While my hands were cut and bleeding from doing all the jobs that useless piece of shit should have done. I felt very alone, doing man work. But I did it. My hands hurt, my nails are ruined and my hair is a post sweaty frizz.

I've spent so much time trying to sort the move that I haven't really given much thought to my new house. Assuming the dogsitter doesn't demand I collect my dogs early, I'll be spending my first night in the new house totally alone.

I predict tears and a quite a bit of fear. I won't even have internet, I'll be all alone in a strange new house.

Maybe I will collect the dogs early.

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