Monday 8 May 2017

Day 300

I thought today started off well. I was out with the horses as the sun was coming out at 5am. It was really nice. I had all green traffic lights, felt today would be a good day.

I got home to get ready for work and felt rough. I had woken up with a sore throat but thought maybe I was so tired I'd been snoring. But all day I've been sneezing and had a headache. The sneezing has now gone to be replaced by a tight chest, painful cough and husky voice. I also threw up as soon as I got home this evening.

I want to go to bed. It's 8pm. Too early to put the dogs to bed when they've been home alone all day.

And now I've seen a post on Facebook that a girl from my stables has come off her horse tonight and died. She wasn't wearing a hat. I don't know her, she's on a different part of the yard to me, but I'm really cross. Why wouldn't you wear a hat? What an idiot. She doesn't deserve to be dead but she did nothing to prevent it. And I feel awful as what I really want to ask is if her horse is ok. I'm going to hell!

Anybody reading this that drives on country lanes...please be considerate of horse and riders. Some of us are rude ignorant bastards that won't thank you but most of us are extremely grateful that you don't kill us or our beloved animals. Dont forget, if a horse lands on your bonnet you're probably going to die too.  We don't want to ride on the road but sometimes we have no choice. And we do have a right to be there...horses are the original mode of transport.

Please pass wide and slow. If the rider doesn't say thank you they're a cunt. But their horse doesnt deserve to be hit.

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