Sunday 7 May 2017

Day 299

299. Thats a really big number.

I'm almost afraid, or is it ashamed, to go back and read Day 21. My first entry. Back then, 299 days ago, I was in a mess. Life was not good and could have got much worse if not for the help I received from the people around me as well as those that went through it with me by reading my diary.

But at least I had something to talk about. Now I don't have anything. Not really any drama, just boring day to day shit of no interest to anyone. Its just highlighting to me how I have literally nothing going on. I am dull. Alone. Boring. Moaning about the house. Getting up early. Work. Why am I bothering to put it down on paper.

Because this has become an addiction. I've recommended to a few people that are going through things to write it down. Let it out. When you see things in black and white..they're just words. Its helped me get perspective on alot of things.

But I think it's pretty much run its course.

I want to be able to write about some good things. Nice things happening for me instead of doom and gloom. I want to share when I sell the house. When I find my new house. When I finally collect the keys and go it alone properly. When I can just be Sarah and not poor me that was cheated on and has to live in the same house with all of my exes things for a year. Will I ever get there? God I hope so.

So I'm thinking maybe I'll go to Day 365. And stop. I'll then just write in my diary when I want to or have something I need to say. Will I be able to do it though? Like I said, it's an addiction