Friday 5 May 2017

Day 297

Today started good.

Up at 4.30 to do the horses followed by a quick dog walk on the moor. There were 2 tiny foals about a week old running around together. So cute. One of them came really close to my dog and they were almost touching noses. I wished I had my camera.

All of my 20 mile drive to work I felt confident for my 9.30 appointment with the MD. I was fine when I got to work. Fine through my meeting until....

I told him "I want to ask for a payrise, a big payrise". Fuck..the cheek of it. I went boiling hot like never before and could feel myself bright red. He had to open a window. The shame! We had a brief convo about it, I didnt give him my whole speel. He told me he didnt know the going rate but the company would be fucked if I left. I told him I've got by on verbal praise for the past few years but it's now no longer enough. When I eventually move house it's going to be further from work and I'm likely to be looking at a 50 mile round trip, and that I just can't do it.

I'm so relieved to have done it. I'm now  worried though that he'll deliberate on it and come back to me with a £1000 or £2000 rise which will be of no help to me at all. I want £5000 and hoped he was going to ask me what I was looking for. The hot flushes I was having stopped me going into too much detail which is annoying.

So next week I hope to have some positive news. In the meantime I have another person viewing the house tomorrow, the last lot with the rubbish agents. Can they pull it out of the bag at the last minute? Unlikely.

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