Thursday 4 May 2017

Day 296

More post arrived for him today. I'm really sick of it. Some stuff from his mobile phone company and what looks like appointment letter from the NHS. Important stuff..they should have the correct address! I've written on the envelopes "Stop posting to this address he moved July 2016".

What a selfish prick. Thank God I've mostly got my head together now but how is a person supposed to move on?

I just want it all over.

I've decided to trust the new estate agent and am opting for a sale price £5000 less than it is now. If it doesn't work I'm up shit street as I cannot reduce any further and expect to find a suitable property to buy that I actually have a chance of liking..I'll be scraping the property barrel as it is. I'm really hoping it works, I can't take much more disappointment.

Speaking of which..I'm asking for a payrise tomorrow.


  1. Go get that pay rise. You by no means a failure (re post from a few days ago) you have my utmost respect you have looked after 5 animals and ensured the trauma of losing one. You so deserve a turn in fortune God bless
