Tuesday 17 January 2017

Day 187

I'm going to have to be committed to the loony bin.

I am so frustrated I don't know how much more I can take. Why is it so bloody hard to sign a piece of paper. He doesn't want me, he doesn't want the life we had, the home, the lifestyle. I'm doing my hardest to accommodate him. I have afterall not hunted him down and cut his dick off. I've just taken all that has been thrown at me. Why oh fucking why can he not just sign the pissing papers. I am beyond confused I feel deranged and ever increasingly angry.

It's torture. Am I going to have to resort to dirty tactics? Involve his family? Make threats about contacting grab a granny? Or her husband! I want to be above these things but it's driving me out of my mind. I want to kill him.

Please let this all be a bad dream. I wasted 7 years in a relationship with him and now 6 months wasted waiting for him to get of his fat arse and let me get on with my life.

I feel anxious and twitchy with frustration. I might finally start smashing some shit.

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