Monday 2 January 2017

Day 172

Uneventful day today.

My good intentions for the new year have yet to be put into practice. I decided rather than going nil by mouth and shocking the system entirely, I'd start by giving up crisps. My worst vice.

I could eat crisps until the cows come home and actually get twitchy if there are none in the house. So this seems a good place to start. It's a little concerning therefore that I popped out for firelighters and despite the ban on crisps, came back with a massive bag of jalapeno party snacks.

Ahem...I'll give up crisps tomorrow.


  1. I have a bit of a Dorito problem.

    1. So do I...thats the prob. Cheese Doritos my all time fave but they give me migraines! X
