Thursday 20 April 2017

Day 282

Last night I discovered the Netflix account, "our" account, had expired and not been renewed. I was so angry. How dare he take something else from me.

Within 20 minutes I was back up and running with my own account and it turns  out it was no big deal. It feels good to have my own account. I've never lived alone before, apart from briefly after a previous break up, so bills have always been shared. Now I have broadband and Netflix and its all mine. It sounds stupid but it's another wrung on the independence ladder.

The early mornings will be coming to an end soon. Maybe another month. As soon as its warmer overnight my horses can be out in their field 24/7 and I won't have to get up at 4.30 every morning. I cannot wait. I am so tired but also so proud of myself. This has been the hardest winter I've had with the animals and I've done it it mostly by myself with a little help from my stable mate. Will I manage it again next winter? I really don't know.

For now I'm just looking forwards to some sleep.

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