Saturday 22 October 2016

Day 100

100 whole days.

I feel as though today I should have woken up a new woman. 100 nights alone in bed at night. 100 times waking up alone. Surely that should be enough to shake this all off.

Alas not.

I have a plan of action going forward and two responses from him in one week is really positive. But it is Saturday!

Had a lovely few hours with my horses in the sunshine this morning. They really are the most amazing creatures and I am so lucky. I have to do everything I possibly can to keep them. They are such big hearted animals and it fills my heart to hear them call for me when they see me.

I took the 3 headed beast for a walk down the road this morning rather than on the moors. Wow what a mistake. I don't know how we didnt get hit by a car or arrested for causing a public nuisance! Not to be repeated any time soon. I'll take my chances with the boogeyman on Dartmoor!

So it's another exciting evening of channel hopping with interludes to the bare kitchen cupboards. I keep hoping the comfort food fairy will visit but the cupboards are still empty each time I open them!

Tomorrow a new person moves into the stable next to me. This will be the first new person I've met since being single and she doesn't know about him. It feels a bit odd. Everybody knows me, or knew me, as half of Gav and Sarah.

Now I'm just Sarah.

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