Monday 7 November 2016

Day 116

Had a really early start this morning. Alarm went off at 5.30, it was really cold and the car windscreen was frozen.

Not the ideal start to a Monday.

I'm really trying to keep positive. Getting up early, being alone in the dark on the moors, being cold and tired looking after my animals. It's a choice. I have chosen to do it. Nobody is forcing me. I choose to keep my horses and manage them alone. I must stop seeing it as a chore or a punishment. The alternative, not having them, is far far worse.

So my alarm is set for 5.30 again tomorrow and there's a towel on my windscreen to keep a clear patch.

I can do this.

When I got back this evening I had a serious panic as I couldn't find my door keys. I emptied my enormous handbag of my collection of tissues, pen lids and receipts. I turned the car upside down. After 10 minutes I was nearing a breakdown. Thinking I would have to either phone him to get his key or sit in the cold waiting for a locksmith I couldn't afford.

I just thought I'd check the front door..and sure enough there they were. I was so relieved and so annoyed with myself. Luckily I didn't have to ring him for help and be upset when I didn't get any. Luckily I didn't get burgled!

So I have now stashed a key somewhere and hope I can remember if I ever need it!

So disaster averted, let's see what tomorrow brings.

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