Sunday 6 November 2016

Day 115

I am 100% ok today.

I can't believe I've gone a whole weekend without once feeling really low and upset.

This week I have to start getting up really early to see to my horses before work so come next weekend I'll be exhausted and probably not quite so perky or optimistic.

I haven't done any packing or sorting in the house. I can't be bothered. I'm being really lazy and just ignoring this mammoth task ahead of me. I'm using the excuse that I can't get in to sort out the garage as the arseholes motorbike is in there. I could manage if I really tried. The loft is another story...I've never been up there. I'm scared of the ladder and if I get stuck up there I'd be would know.

So I won't take any unnecessary risks and will stay safely in front of the TV.


  1. Not sure if I should be saying I'm enjoying reading your blog as I know you've been through a lot, but it's giving me the hope that one day I will on the road to where you are at this moment in time and that it is possible to move on. Thank you for that. I'm glad that you are starting to feel better x

  2. Thanks so much. Gives me strength to know people are "listening". Sorry if you're going through something similar. It sure is a roller coaster of emotions. Chin up x
