Monday, 27 February 2017

Day 228

More of the same.

Dogs horses work.

I left work an hour earlier than usual and got to the horses in daylight. It was so nice. I really enjoyed myself. Walking the dogs after was freezing. Its been a day of sunshine, rain, wind, hailsones and sleet.

I keep thinking about texting my ex. He's supposedly coming with man and van on Sunday to take his clothes...thank fuck finally..and furniture. But I've not heard from him for a few weeks. I want to know what the plan is and make sure he brings his own boxes and bags. When he was here a few weeks ago he went into the kitchen, my kitchen, and helped himself to a carrier bag. It felt petty so I didn't say anything but inside I was screaming "fuck you that cost me 6p motherfucker get your own bastard bags".

If I text him he may reply and I'll just be irritated. If he doesnt reply I'll also be irritated. So I've just talked myself out of texting him at all. Result. If he wants to come round he'll have to text me.


  1. I'd be buying the bags (black cheap crap ones!) and putting the stuff outside for him the collect! He doesn't deserve to come in and spend time inside, just shove it all in the garage or something. Think of all the room you will have to hide stuff when you have a viewer for the house when his stuff is gone! Theres always an up side :-)Keep smiling!You are soooooo doing this!
